New Year's Energy Makeover
Aloha Dear Friends ,
Here is the email I promised you last week. It is long, packed with info and I am sure you are familiar with some of it already. Have a wonderful New Year Week :-)
Amy, on your question at the bank the other morning about craving salt....I have always loved salt and can not tell if it is related to a need to feed the adrenals. That was a good question. I started to think about it more on my walk home.
I now supplement my diet with various sea plants and kombu to keep supplied with iodine, that is so important to the health of the thyroid. This also helps prevent problems from exposure to radioactive fallout.
This adrenal support product, Adrenal Stress End, is the one that I was so excited about a couple of years ago. I discovered it when I was working at the GNC store and listening to a radio show on Sirius radio called the “herbal pharmacist”. The host a ND doctor, was using it and talking about it over a period of two or so month’s time.
I was so tired in late 2007 that I could only work part time and was really struggling to get enough rest on my time off. It was scary. I knew women who had chronic fatigue syndrome and had learned how nutrition related it was. Rest is really important to give the adrenals time to rebuild. Protein every couple of hours is also very important.
The low to no sugar protein shakes I bought while working at GNC and the adrenal gland supplement, plus allowing myself the down time I really needed, brought me to a higher energy level. Within a couple of months I forgot how tired I once was. Every now and then I feel like I am falling back into an old, less energetic pattern and I reboot with protein, rest, and a few days of the adrenal supplement.
It is a good idea to combine supplement products that boost the important glands, such as the adrenals and the thyroid, with really healthy food choices. Adding ginsengs such as Rhodiola and Ashwagandha as extra adrenal support on a daily basis, become even more important as we grow beyond 50 yrs.
Taking out the sugars, breads, pastas and white rice will stop fat storage around the abdomen. High fructose corn syrup especially causes fat to store around the waist (belly fat). These empty calories also cause a wiped out feeling named the sugar blues.
A lot of the so called foods (highly processed foods) are not recognized by the liver and it has no recourse but to send the calories back as fat to the midsection. Our body physiology is based on thousands of years of evolution and the nearly fake packaged foods in the supermarkets are unfamiliar to our body’s systems.
The foods have been so highly manipulated at such a fast rate over the past fifty years; there is no way our bodies could have evolved fast enough to recognize them. Best bet is to shop organic and eat whole foods (unaltered by the hand of man) as much as possible.
Healthy fats are fish oil, oils from eating avocado, nuts and seeds, coconut oil, olive oil and real butter.
Always answer a sugar craving with a protein. The low blood sugar causes the pancreas to alert the appetite that the brain is low on glucose and needs some soon. Glucose is the fuel for the brain cells and is especially important to keeping the brain and the nervous system operating optimally. A cheese stick with half an apple, some almonds, walnuts, cashews or favorite seeds, any of these will do the trick. I like a hard boiled egg for a hearty in between snack a couple of times a week.
Sucrose, and especially high fructose corn syrup, end up adding inches to the waistline and cause inflammation of the arteries. British scientists discovered back in the 70’s that the biggest factor in heart disease was the amount of sugar consumed.
The liver produces extra cholesterol when we over consume carbs and sugars. The pancreas sends a message to the liver to serve up more cholesterol whenever more insulin is required, due to sugar and carbs consumption. This is why so many people and now children have high cholesterol. It is the sugar consumption.
More vegetables (lot of leafy greens like kale and chard and beet green,) will allow the brains appetite mechanism to return to normal. We are talking 6-8 cups of vegetables a day for a few weeks. That is uncooked cups. 6-8 cups uncooked greens can end up to about 2 cups when cooked. So it sounds like a lot more than it is.
The extra weight comes off quickly when the veggies are eaten with protein, three times a day. Adding sea salt and real butter to the veggies makes it really tasty. Once the appetite returns to normal, we lose our taste for the food products that diminish our health and fitness.
Beets and beet greens reduce blood pressure because they expand the arteries and thus give us an extra supply of energy by increasing our nitric oxide. It is really noticeable. Body builders go to GNC and pay for nitric oxide pills to boost their lifting capabilities.When I have an especially busy week coming up, I get to the swap meet on Saturday and for three dollars, I get a week’s supply of beets for a strong, lively, focused energy when I most need it. I put the juice that comes from par boiling them in my morning smoothie. This puts a real zing in my step.
A smoothie that is based on protein and veggies instead of fruit gets the body off to a good start in the morning. I like adding a sugar free yogurt from a health food grocery store for optimal digestion plus more protein. Soy protein is not a good choice with all that we have learned about it over the past few years. Berries are a great fruit for sweetening the smoothie.
After age 50 our supply of digestive enzymes is pretty well depleted and without a good enzyme source for digesting the proteins and good, complex carbs, we do not absorb the nutrients from the food we ingested. Absorption of the nutrients into the tissues and cells, is the often overlooked part of the process.
Sugar free yogurt and probiotics are helpful because they produce the bacteria in the upper and lower digestive tracts that are needed to break down the food. HCL or hydrochloric acid, also called betaine hcl makes a huge difference in whether or not we get heartburn and acid reflux. We produce less HCL than we need as we get past 50. There are also pancreatic enzymes that help digestion and absorption. I take one that includes ox bile. It supplements the bile in my own liver so that I am sure to have enough. I got the recommendation for this product called Gestazyme, from an RN.
I have been using liquid B Complex for several years now. It has very high amounts of B12 as well as the other major B vitamins and is very reasonably priced at GNC, Vitamin World and
Check this out, especially from minute 39 on, just following the break. She gives a number of reasons and remedies for low energy. She comes from a family of physicians, but she decided to study nutrition and holistic health. The link is so long you'll have to copy it and paste it into your browser.
Caroline has two adrenal support products on her website
The password to get into the supplements section is life123. Her product does not show all that it contains. But from her radio shows, I know it is quite similar to the ones I am using
I prefer to get mine at vitacost. The brand I use is Enzymatic Therapy. It is well known and trusted, and is also highly affordable. Once on the website, go to the left column and click on Brands. This will bring up all the products by name brand. What an incredible array of products. It is like a huge warehouse of supplements and beauty supplies and more. I even get my herbal teas there for far less than at the retail stores. It is like the Costco store of healthy products.
When we go on the “revitalizing energy” journey, we find it is about really healthy eating, our digestion and absorption of nutrients, the vitality of our whole immune system, a balanced life style, at least 6 hours of sleep at night and hopefully 7-8 hours and supplements that support our all of our important glands and energy systems.
A few years ago I had a panel done at Kaiser Permanente, the results came back in the low/normal range for my thyroid gland. I knew that meant it was simply not low enough to call for a pharmaceutical alternative and I don’t want that anyway. It is like saying on a scale of 1-10 and 2-8 is normal, mine would be about a 3.5
Having researched the topic of low/normal or hypothyroidism I knew a little bit below normal can result in tiredness or a sluggish feeling. I also I knew to get a thyroid glandular supplement and add iodine derived from sea vegetables to my diet.
All in all, it is certainly worth the life style change and effort that it takes to reverse the sped up process that comes from eating SAD for standard american diet. A wise person said that when we realize what we have done to ourselves, we spend the rest of our lives correcting and getting back to the healthy balance of way back when. The reward is that we age more slowly, painlessly and it becomes far less costly.
Here is a link to a unique way to look at the energy cost of our thoughts, by Dr. Bruce Lipton.
Go on a grand adventure, a Safari if you will. Enter into this New Year with a high positive expectancy for the most wondrous and highly imaginable results. Set some positive intentions for your health, your body and of course your mind will respond surprisingly to great nutrition. It doesn't have to happen or be done all at once. Take manageable steps, but push yourself out of your comfort zone again and again.
Create a virtual reality with your imagination and visualize yourself with your perfect energy level and looking and feeling just exactly as you wish. With all the vim, vigor and poise you can imagine. I like to do these kinds of imaginings before I open my eyes and get up in the morning. It is easiest to visualize our optimal selves when we are still in the slower, sleepier brain wave state of alpha. It is the frequency of creativity and imagination. Then listen for the guidance that comes in inspired action messages that follow throughout the day. Take the inspired action steps and wella! All that is left is to enjoy the journey.
I am in a Toastmasters Club in Kahului. The Club and the morning visualizations help me step out of my comfort zone time and time again. I can really feel it and I know I am going on a really grand adventure this year. A full on Safari! One thing I am sure of, this will be my best year yet :-)!!!
with warm regards and wishes for Your Very Happy Healthy New Year!
your friend,
New Year Blessing
May you play more, laugh more, love more, live more, give more, receive more, and celebrate more!May you open to the vast possibilities and boundless love and wisdom of your grander truer self.May the doors to your brightest futures swing wide open.May you know the full extent of your worth and deserving and open to receive all that your heart desires.May gifts, synchronicities, serendipities and successes dawn effortlessly in your world.May you connect to and experience more of the love, beauty and light that you are.May you sparkle and gleam with merriment and magic.May your laughter refresh the world daily, brightening all those around you, including yourself.May you know that you are loved, loving and loveable, ever and always.May you enjoy a blessed and happy life, a life you truly LOVE!”by Aine Belton
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