Heart Smart: Follow Your Heart,
it is Smarter Than You Think
“The heart is also the first organ that is
being formed in the womb. The rest comes later.”~ EagleEyes
Neurophysicists have been astonished to discover that the Heart is more an
organ of intelligence than (merely) the bodies’ main pumping station. More
than half of the Heart is actually composed of neurons of the very same nature
as those that make up the cerebral system. Joseph Chilton-Pearce, author of The
Biology of Transcendence, calls it “the major biological apparatus within us
and the seat of our greatest intelligence.”
The Heart is also the source of the body’s
strongest electromagnetic field. Each heart cell is unique in that it not only
pulsates in synchrony with all the other heart cells, but also produces an
electromagnetic signal that radiates out beyond the cell. An EEG that measures
brain waves shows that the electromagnetic signals from the heart are so much
stronger than brain waves, that a reading of the heart’s frequency spectrum can
be taken from three feet away from the body…without placing electrodes on it!
The Heart’s electromagnetic frequency arcs
out from the Heart and back in the form of a torus field. The axis of this
Heart torus extends from the pelvic floor to the top of the skull, and the
whole field is holographic, meaning that information about it can be read from
each and every point in the torus.
The Hearts’ torus electromagnetic field is
not the only source that emits this type of electromagnetic field. Every atom
emits the same torus field. The Earth is also at the center of a torus, so is
the solar system and even our galaxy…and all are holographic. Scientists
believe there is a good possibility that there is only one universal torus
encompassing an infinite number of interacting, holographic tori within its
spectrum. Because electromagnetic torus fields are holographic, it is more than
likely that the sum total of our Universe is present within the frequency
spectrum of a single torus.
This means that each one of us is connected
to the entire Universe and as such, can access all the information within it at
any given moment. When we get quiet and access what we hold in our Hearts, we
are literally connecting to the limitless supply and Wisdom of the Universe,
thereby enabling what we perceive as “miracles” to enter into our lives.
When we disconnect and shut down the Heart’s
innate wisdom of Love-based thinking, the ego-based intellect takes over and
operates independently of the Heart, and we revert to a survival mentality
based on fear, greed, power, and control. In this way, we come to believe that
we are separate, our perception of life shifts into one of limitation and
scarcity, and one in which we must fight in order to survive. This amazing
organ, that we often time ignore, neglect and build walls around, is where we
can find our strength, our faith, our courage and our compassion, enabling our
higher emotional intelligence that can, if we allow it, guide us through our
We must now switch the gears out of the
fear-based mental state that we have been taught to believe in, and move into
Heart Centered living. For this transformation to take place, one must learn to
meditate, “go into your Heart” and access the inner wisdom of the Universe. It
is the only way, it is THE WAY. As each one of us begins this quiet revolution
of living from the Heart, we will begin to see it reflected in our lives and in
our World. This is how each one of us will create change in the world, create
Peace, create Harmony and Balance, and in this way, will we all create the New
World Paradigm of Heaven on Earth.
by Rebecca Cherry
by Rebecca Cherry
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